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Hinu Ora

Kānuka Infused Body Oil

Kānuka Infused Body Oil

Regular price $30.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 NZD
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This must have product is great for everyone, Mamas, Pepi, those with dry or inflamed skin, those who want a natural, nourishing massage oil.. the list goes on.

The hero ingredient is obviously our pure Kānuka essential oil.  Soothing, gentle, nourishing and healing, this natural Kānuka body oil is free from potentially irritating preservatives common in body products. Our body oil is natural and suitable for those with sensitive or eczema-prone skin. 


May be used as an all-over body oil in replacement of a liquid moisturiser or as an oil for massage - Apply directly to the skin and spend a few moments massaging it in.

Ingredients: Pure New Zealand Kānuka Oil, Local Cold Pressed Olive Oil

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